Taz Lov multifunctional fall arrest device

The Taz Lov Type 1 Fall Arrest Device can also act as a rope ascender/work descender, positioning lanyard adjuster and self-rescue device
Tag: Rescue
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The Taz Lov Type 1 Fall Arrest Device can also act as a rope ascender/work descender, positioning lanyard adjuster and self-rescue device
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Petzl promises to help you “access the inaccessible”. And we can promise that their product range really delivers. But did you know, Petzl pioneered the products that make vertical rope access work possible today? Find out more about this fascinating height safety super-brand
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Height Dynamics supply a large range of Tower Rescue Kits. So…what does a Tower Rescue Kit contain? Well, the short answer is – anything you want it too. Let’s have a look at those items in detail.